Featured image of post Uppoint


A website made with React+Django to foster collaborative decision making.

In the summer of 2020 I have been spending some free time developing a collaborative decision-making webapp called “Uppoint”.

The elevator pitch goes something like this:

Instead of degrading into quarrels 😑 or leaving it to the loudest πŸ“£individual, let the group see all the options πŸ“œ and let each voter order them by preference ☝️. Our system will do the rest πŸ˜‰ Some Features:

  • Ability to allow a set number of vetos ❌
  • Local πŸ“ or remote πŸ“§ voting
  • Election status page πŸ“Š
  • 5 voting methods βš™οΈ to choose from

You can find it at http://gabecloud.hopto.org:8100!