Guide to Streamlit on Azure
Streamlit is a python library that allows for quick WebApp development for relatively simple applications. It provides common widgets and simple procedural logic.
In this guide, we will deploy a barebone app that I recommend using as your starting point if you want to deploy to Azure App Service. I have found the deployment to be a little tempremental so I hope this can help you.
I’ve taken information from here, though that alone did not work for me. Cloning and deploying this worked, but I then simplified it and updated versions to get this guide.
Downloading the barebone app
I’ve prepared all the files you’ll need to get a start here
Creating Azure Resources
The following resources have to be created:
- resource group
- azure container registry
- app service
You can create basic level of them using the azure cli as shown below. I will assume you are using bash. I usually prefer setting the variables once and using them in all future commands. The ones you will need are:
To see all possible locations use az account list-locations
Remember that WEBAPP_NAME will go in the url ( so it needs to be unique across all azurewebsites.
The resource-creating commands are:
- resource group:
az group create -l $LOCATION -n $RESOURCE_GROUP
- azure container registry:
az acr create --name $CONTAINER_REGISTRY --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --sku basic --admin-enabled true
- app service:
az appservice plan create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $SERVICE_PLAN_NAME -l $LOCATION --is-linux --sku B1
If you get authorisation errors, make sure you are logged in (az login
and az acr login -n $CONTAINER_REGISTRY
Once those resources are set-up, we move on to building the image (remotely) and creating the web app based on it
Local Development
In order to speed up development it is usually better to build and test the image by using docker locally
Pushing the image to the Container Registry
Pushing the image will trigger an update of the WebApp on the next request.
The update can be a bit fiddly, so I usually prefer restarting the app from the Azure Web UI to be sure and monitor the Log Stream.
Futher Considerations
There are a couple of things to bear in mind:
- The way the webapp defaults, it will be available to the internet unless authorisation is specified.
- The Dockerfile is in its simplest form. When opening the website to the internet there are security concerns to address, here is a nice overview.